The Tale of the White Leopard

Written by: Seyyed Mehdi Shojaei
Illustrated by: Alireza Goldouzian
Publisher: Neyestan Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2016
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This is the story of a white leopard who does not want to live in the wild anymore. He decides to be a domestic animal and live with human beings. All the other leopards try to dissuade him, but he has made his mind. He packs his things and goes to a village to start his new life. But one after another, human beings try to abuse his trust. So, he asks the author to change the story and brings him back to the forest. But, the author has another idea…

Author About:

Seyyed Mahdi Shojaei in 1960 in Tehran. He is an active author, novelist, journalist and screenwriter. He focused more on fiction and wrote many short and long story in children and adolescent literature and religious literature. He also has worked as a screenwriter and several films were made from his screenplays in television and cinema. Shojaee has effective activities in the field of journalism, too.

Publisher Name:Neyestan Publication

Address:No.2, 6th alley, South Ghalandari st, Sadr Highway, Tehran, Iran




Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
