Shadowless trees

Written by: sayare mahin far
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2015
232 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Tree Trees "is the first novel of the Planet Magnifar, a well-known and old-time editor, who has already seen some of his work in the field of research. The story is a young girl's narrative of her family life. An aristocratic life, infected with sin, betrayal and ruin, a living and terrifying picture of a well-to-do but lucid life, betrayal of the mother and his relationship with the family, and the result of destruction and ruin, and the loss of all the opportunities of life.

Author About:

Mahin Farzadeh's Planet July 31, 1347 is a literary writer and author.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address:No.63, Between Farkhre Razi and University Ave., Jandarmeri St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 6697571112


ManagingDirector:alireza raeis danaei

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
