Treasure of Inlay Designs

Written by: Zahar Tadjvidi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Farhangsara Mirdashti
Category: The Arts
Year: 2014
205 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Book Treasures of Khatam Patterns Written by: Zahra Tajvidi and translated by Atefeh Mottaghi include 128 roles of text, specially for the cover of Khatam objects, and a total of 249 borderline roles, and 64 cloud roles (consisting of several roles). In addition, the text of this book is part of the book "Introduction to Traditional Iranian Arts" from Payame Noor University Press, June 1st, 86, written by Zahra Tajvidi. Khatam is one of the most original handicrafts in Iran, whose beauty is less well-known. The treatise books of Khatam motifs are bilingual and have been compiled in two chapters. The first chapter deals with the recognition of the art of execution, history, tools of making and the stages of construction of Khatam, and in the second chapter, various types of motifs (textures, ribbons and Motifs).

Author About:

Ms. Zahra Tajvidi, the author of Khatam's book, has other studies and writings that can be found in the book of recognition of specially designed needles of Sistan and Baluchestan and a book on introducing traditional Iranian art in two editions

Publisher Name:Farhangsara Mirdashti

Address:Unit 1, No.11, Fakhrerazi St, Enqlab St, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Hamid Mirdashti

Languages we correspond in: English-Persian
