Textbook of Sleep Medicine

Written by: M. F. Ghalehbandi, M.D.
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Arjmand publication
Category: Academic
Year: 2015
664 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The Textbook of Sleep Medicine is prepared in scientific association with 31expert medical specialist in different branches of medicine in 30 chapters. It consists of different subjects of basic sciences and clinical medicine with different diagnostic approaches and treatment methods. Cooperation of the clear sighted and expert specialists of different majors of medicine such as: psychiatry, neurology, ENT surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, occupational medicine and dentistry proves that sleep medicine is a "multi disciplinary" subjects. In this book it is tried according to the new scientific knowledge and in accordance with paying attention to the generousness of the scientific materials a collection that could be useful in our clinical daily needs to be prepared. Regarding the vast and different subjects of the book it may be helpful for the graduated medical specialist, residents, medical students and related majors.

Author About:


Publisher Name:Arjmand publication

Address:No. 292, Keshavarz Boulevard between Kargar and 16 Azar. tehran. Iran



ManagingDirector:Mohsen Arjmand

Languages we correspond in: English
