Backache of Mr. Ant

Written by: MohammadRafi' Ziyaee
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Charkh-e Falak Publication
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2016
12 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

An ant, I mean Mr. Ant said: “I picked up so much wheat seeds that caused me suffering from a real bad backache to that degree that brought me at the end of my rope.” When the doctor prescribed him to take a week off, Mr. Ant split his sides and said: “What are you talking about? We ants have no day off, even we don’t have insurance and we won’t become retired. We are good as our cousin the termite is suffering from a toothache …” This book is one volume of a 20 volume collection named “A Morsel of Story” and is a social story written in comedy. It is work of MohammadRafi' Ziyaee. This collection assists would-be writers to find out how a beautiful story can be created from a simple and ordinary subject.

Author About:

MohammadRafi' Ziyaee (1948-2016) He has to be considered as one of the most hard-working cartoonists in the field of the theory of cartoon and caricature. His tendency is more toward bitter comedy and his works are mostly in black and white with a lot of dense hachures. The themes of most of his works are about peace and philanthropy. Among his honorary records, we can refer to: ►A member of judging board of the International Caricature Contest of “Dialogue among Civilizations” ►A member of judging board of the International Caricature Contest of “Way and travel” Secretary of Iran’s first Marine Caricature Contest ►A member of judging board of the internet Contest of “No Home for Palestine” (1383, 2004) ►Receiving Special Prize of the 31st contest of Skopia in 1999 ►Receiving bronze medal and honorary diploma- Toulinetto City Prize in 2003 ►Standing the second in the 16th Belgium Elvens Contest in 2004

Publisher Name:Charkh-e Falak Publication

Address:No 3, Bahar Alley, Ravanmehr St., Daneshgah St., Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 66493348

Fax:+98 21 66490673

ManagingDirector:Zahra Baraghani

Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
