The curtain was hidden

Written by: Simin Behbahani
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
279 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

One of the songs that Professor Mohammad Reza Shajarian performed with a poem by Simin Behbahani is "Stay Beside You". Habibullah Salehi made this song on the poem of Simin Behbahani on Isfahan Bayat: What a dressing party, what sweet words I do not believe you're a guest I do not believe that with your laugh Slam silence so heavy An institutional step in my home It was clear to you Do not bother me, do not drink a bottle Blessed with that which you do not admit to yourself ....

Author About:

Simin Khalili, who was known as Simin Behbahani, was born on July 20, 1926 in Tehran on July 28, 1926. He was the son of Abbas Khalili (poet and writer and director of the acting newspaper). Hajj Mirza Hossein Haj Mirzahlil, famous for Mirza Hussein Khalili Tehrani, who was a constitutional leader, is the uncle of his father and Allamah Mulla Ali Razi Khalili Tehrani, his grandfather. His father Abbas Khalili (1272 Najaf-1350 Tehran) spoke Persian in Persian and Arabic, and translated some 1100 bits of the verses of Shahnameh from Ferdowsi into Arabic and wrote several novels, all of which were published. His mother, Fakhrasma Arghoun (1316 AH - 1345 AH), was the daughter of Morteza Gholi Arghoun (Makhmar al-Sultan Khalatbari) from the moon of Ammat al-Saltanah (son of Mirza Muhammad Khan Amitoman and Nibira Amir Hedayatullah Khan Fumani). Fakhr Azmi Arghoun studied Persian and Arabic, jurisprudence and principles in a private school, familiar with the texts of order and prose, and taught French under the supervision of a Swiss instructor. He was also a leading woman and a successful poet of his time, and was a member of the Patriotic Women's Association, and for some time was editor of the future newspaper of Iran. He was also a member of the Women's and Democratic Association and served as a French language teacher in education. Simin's parents, who married in 1303, separated in 1309, and his mother married Adel Khalatbiry (director of the future Iranian newspaper) and owned three other children.

Publisher Name:Negah

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