It was November, It was raining

Written by: Mojtaba Taqavizaad
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Peydayesh Publishing House
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
92 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

this book is based on the personal experience of the writer, living in the war-torn areas of Iran. War is as solid a presence in his story as any other character. The sound of the missile strike sirens, the absence of the father, the anxiety of the people; all real images happening in front of the writer as a young boy, its effect never leaving him or his generation.Each story differs from the other. The language, the mood and the texture of the words vary to represent two sides of a war. The dark side, and the slightly less dark, made bearable by the coming together of people, trying to make it easier to get through war.

Author About:

Mojtaba Taqavizaad like many young authors in Iran has not experienced war first hand, but this has not stopped him from writing about what war really is to him and his generation. He is one of the survivors of the 8-year war between Iraq and Iran and he has commemorated his experience in these stories.

Publisher Name:Peydayesh Publishing House

Address:No.86, Shahid Jandarmeri St., Fakhre Razi St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 66970270


ManagingDirector:Mohsen Taeb

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
