Succulent Envelope and History

Written by: Zoya Zakarian
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
408 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book Encyclopedia of Stamps and History was published by Press Publishing. This book contains a selection of songs from the songwriter Zoya Zakarian, as well as a detailed interview with him by Ehsan Soltani. Zoya Zakarian with lyrics like "Kyokyo!" BANG BANG! "," The New Season "," The Cradle "," The Tailor of the Sin "," Night of the Star "," Letter "," The Rise of the Maghreb "," The Protest "," My Hand "," The Lady of the East "," What happened! ", Etc., along with singer songs such as Ardalan Sarfaraz, Iraj Janati Ataee and Shahyari Ghanbari, have made a significant contribution to the history of Iran's song. (less)

Author About:

Zoya was born in Tehran in a family of Azerbaijani Armenians. His father and brother were both musicians and his mother was a chorus singer. Songwriting started from adolescence. After graduating, he went to Pahlavi University in Shiraz to read medicine, but after a year he returned to Tehran to study arts. After returning from Shiraz, he began studying at the Drama Arts University. His first tune was called Swallow, which he wrote on a song by Hassan Emai Zadeh. In 1984, he left Iran and left for Germany, and emigrated to the United States after two years. During all these years, he has written several plays and composed many songs for singers. The night of the night is one of his best works. Zakarian, with the exception of songwriting, has works in the field of playwriting. "In the United States, I have written six plays, one of which, in the name of the tales of Aqa Jamal, has become popular and lasted 9 months on stage." In 2002, Dr. Mandana Zandian, who is now in the United States, Collecting and arranging Zoya Zakarian's songs and publishing a selection of these works under the supervision of the poet in a collection called Tolo of Morocco in Iran.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address:No.63, Between Farkhre Razi and University Ave., Jandarmeri St., Tehran, Iran

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ManagingDirector:alireza raeis danaei

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
