Her lips a thin red thread

Written by: Zahra Noori
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Peydayesh Publishing House
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
80 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

From the writer: All around me I find reasons to animate the women inside me. Make them into stories. Her lips a thin red thread, is a collection of 13 stories by an Afghan woman and about Afghani women. Her stories are not Feminist stories. They are simply stories about experiences an Afghani has through out her life. From the physical abuse they undergo to different discriminations they must face from day to day. These are not whimsical muses of a writer safely sitting in her room and writing about experiences of other women. The writer draws inspirations from her own life and that is why her stories are stunning and heartbreaking.

Author About:

a selection of stories writtern by the Afghanistani writer about the life of real women and their very real problems, Her lips a thin red thread is the only book by Zahra Noori so far. But her realistic style of writing has certainly captivated readers in Iran.

Publisher Name:Peydayesh Publishing House

Address:No.86, Shahid Jandarmeri St., Fakhre Razi St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 66970270


ManagingDirector:Mohsen Taeb

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
