the Fiery Tishtissaurs - The Sorena Series

Written by: Elhaam Mazaarei
Illustrated by: Roodaabeh Khaef
Publisher: Peydayesh Publishing House
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
124 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This series tell the stories of Sorena, a 10 year old boy who spends most of his time playing video games. One day he receives an e-mail in which he is warned that dinosaurs need his help to avoid extinction. He answers the e-mail and enters the dinosaurs’ strange and wonderful land and encounters may adventures. Sorena in each book must find a new way to help dinosaurs and sometimes has to fight strange and mythic creatures. He has to become a sea creature and travels under water, enter a volcano, and contact the souls of past dinosaurs. Even to help two dinosaurs that are in live, Sorena must stand against many angry dinosaurs. In this series Sorena must do his best to help dinosaurs, otherwise he will get killed by nature or by angry dinosaurs. This novel collection is filled with wonderful and thrilling adventures in combination with satyr. These books are suitable for those children who love adventure and excitement and a little bit of laugh.

Author About:

Elhaam Mazaarei is one of the best children Fantasy-writers in Iran. She is well-known for her wild imagination and creative storytelling. Her award wining stories are suitable for children of every age, but especially for the younger readers between the age of 8 to 10.

Publisher Name:Peydayesh Publishing House

Address:No.86, Shahid Jandarmeri St., Fakhre Razi St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 66970270


ManagingDirector:Mohsen Taeb

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
