The Criteria of Adaptations in Children and Adolescent Literature

Written by: Maryam Jalali
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Culture and Art Association of Women Publishers
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2015
300 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This book is about the basics and theories in the field of children and adolescent literature. Serious attentions have to be paid while dealing with national and ancient literature for children and adolescents. Techniques talked in this book assist us to place these texts within children’s access in a durable and usable form. Children and young adults' needs and capacities are different in comparison with adults, so recognizing their abilities and needs play a predominant role in writing and adapting texts for them. Since technology and knowledge development has broken the boundaries of age groups, so we can divide age groups of children and teens into young children, children and young adults .Here the author and the audience are in parallel. The needs and capacities of children are placed on one side and the facility of the writer on another side. In each country and nationality, according to culture and customs, the spoken language for children has certain characteristics. In this book, the principles and indicators of the children's literature are expressed in a coded and scientific manner, which is certainly applicable to all those who are in some way related to children and adolescents, whether who are verbally associated with this group and or those who work in the field of written literature for this group of community.

Author About:

Dr. Maryam Jalali is one of the most influential in the field of classical literature, who has fully identified the literature, especially children's literature, and has carried out extensive research in this field. She is a Ph.D. in children's literature and a professor at Shahid Beheshti University.

Publisher Name:Culture and Art Association of Women Publishers

Address:No.11, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, Iran,

Phone:(+9821) 66971127

Fax:(+9821) 66971127

ManagingDirector:Mrayam Zohorian

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
