Parade on the ground

Written by: shams langeroodi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
232 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Parade on the Ground) is a primitive and superstitious, fantasy land that is plunged into little fears by little counted rulers. This land is about to enter the realm of modernity, but the entrance, which is similar to the parade on the soil and the hollow due to the domination of superstition. A variety of contradictions disturbs the society to a point where the power of affairs breaks down ...

Author About:

Mohammad Shamslangardi (born November 26, 1329 in Langrood) is a contemporary Iranian poet, researcher, actor and historian. [1] He holds a math and bachelor's degree in economics and commerce, he is a university lecturer [2] and teaches the history of art

Publisher Name:Negah

Address:No.63, Between Farkhre Razi and University Ave., Jandarmeri St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+9821) 6697571112


ManagingDirector:alireza raeis danaei

Languages we correspond in: English-persian
