Time with my hands

Written by: Mehdi Rezazadeh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Sibe Sorkh Publication
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
88 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The present book consists of twenty-eight stories. Various styles of stories have been designed according to the audience's taste and interests, including realism and new-realism, surrealism and symbolism in this book. Most of the stories actually include imaginations and realities. All the author's efforts were to be presented in a fictitious and modern way. The author does not believe exaggeration in uttering story. He has penned a lot of books. His world of fiction is different from his poetic world. As the story, he tries to avoid detailing the events and incidents. Generally, stories are categorized and tidy. *

Author About:

Mehdi Rezazadeh (1995-Some'esara) Poet, writer and critic Mahdi Rezazadeh has now published six books and has many works on poetry, story and critique and articles in print. This writer’s published works include: - The clock hands stopped in the evening - I still laugh awkwardly - The mouth who did not utter my name - The summer in your eyes is romantic - The anger in the eyes (wrath) - Body’s key/note - Coquetry in the Morning - Sneezes in the Snowflakes - Time in my Hands - A Selection of White Poetry from around the Country

Publisher Name:Sibe Sorkh Publication

Address:Enghelab Avenue, Suite 103, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 66973121

Fax: +98 21 66 97 29 76

ManagingDirector:Masoumeh Akbari

Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
