Ghale Morghi

Written by: Salman Amin
Illustrated by: Ghale Morghi
Publisher: Avanameh Audiobooks
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
245 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The south of the city is always the place to create special tales, tales of pure friendships, hard love, narrow alleys, big desires and empty pockets; where the dream of making money is always half-finished. Ghale Morghi, The Pyramid of Time is a beautiful narrative of some poor guys who go to pyramid companies to make money and have something to keep track of the story to the end.

Author About:

Salman amin is an Iranian writer whose most of stories are about urban and modern life and relationships between people in this background. His works concern about the complexities of relationships at present cultural paradoxes.

Publisher Name:Avanameh Audiobooks

Address:Unit7, No 448, enghelab st, Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+98) 9111182991



Languages we correspond in: English-persian
