
Written by: Yousef Alikhani
Illustrated by: Khama
Publisher: Avanameh Audiobooks
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
340 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Khama narrates a story with the background of Kurds’ riot. The hero of the novel, Khalil, has witnessed what they were forced to do. The novel on the one hand has a historical, social and political background, and on the other hand has psychological bases. The story goes back to the old tradition in the rural community, according to which, in the event of the husband’s death, the wife must wait until her deceased husband’s younger brother marries her and does not have the opportunity to live with anyone other than him.

Author About:

Yousef Alikhani went to Qazvin after passing elementary education in his hometown village, and after graduating from high school, he went to Tehran to continue his education. In 1998 he graduated from the Arabic Language and Literature College of University of Tehran. Yousef Alikhani, apart from a few research books, had three sets of stories called My Grandmother's Walking Dead, Their Dragons and the Bead Bride, as well as two Khamah and Devilish novels.

Publisher Name:Avanameh Audiobooks

Address:Unit7, No 448, enghelab st, Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+98) 9111182991



Languages we correspond in: English-persian
