
Written by: Bozorg Alavi
Illustrated by: Salary
Publisher: Avanameh Audiobooks
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
214 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Salary is a great family that has changed all their in law relatives and last name and have become a kind of ruling chain. There are a lot of secrets in this family about how they got their wealth. Baba is an old man who had traveled along with his pregnant daughter Zivar and his son-in-law aboard. In the journey he killed his son-in-law and arrested himself, and Zivar goes to Salariha’s house to rescue his father.

Author About:

Bozorg Alavi was an influential Iranian writer, novelist, and political intellectual. He was a founding member of the communist Tudeh Party of Iran in the 1940s.Cheshm'hā'yash (Her Eyes), which was published in Iran in 1952 and was subsequently banned, is considered his finest novel. Although it is considered his masterpiece, Alavi also wrote many other books which indeed are also perfect in their own style ; an example of this is the novel "chemdan" which was written under the influence of freudian psychology. his other novels "mirza", "53 nafar" and "gilemard" which is used in Iranian textbooks for high-school. Bozorg Alavi's contribution to Iranian Literature was profound and shall not be forgotten.

Publisher Name:Avanameh Audiobooks

Address:Unit7, No 448, enghelab st, Tehran, Iran

Phone:(+98) 9111182991



Languages we correspond in: English-persian
