Hello to Ibrahim

Written by: Mohsen E'madi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: self-publisher
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
256 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book “Hello to Ibrahim” has been published in two volumes which tries to present the memoirs, diaries and quotations, written by other people about the personality of Martyr Ibrahim Hadi, as one of the martyrs of the eight-year Holy Defense to the addressees. This book as the work of Martyr Ibrahim Hadi group has been top on the chart of the bestsellers concerning the Holy Defense over the years. The book was published as the brief biography and 69 memories of the missing martyr “Ibrahim Hadi”. This book is the result of over 50 interviews conducted with that martyr’s family and friends. Each memory shows a part of an Iranian militant’s high-mindedness and prowess. This book contains the integrated memories trying to quote the biography of martyr Hadi from the beginning and step by step as the reflection in the speech and memo-ries of the family, friends, and comrades. Then, the book refers to the adolescence and youth of martyr Hadi based on friends and comrades’ ideas. This book tries to describe the various parts of the life of this martyr through conversation by various people and provides a comprehensive view. Nonetheless, the reading parts of the book are attributed to the Holy Defense. This part reveals the heroic charac-ter of martyr Hadi more than the other parts of the book. With a repetition of the narration of the ethical, humane, and spiritual aspects of martyr Ibrahim, as one of the brave men who sacrificed their lives for their religious be-liefs, with a repetition of the narration of the ethical character and social behavior, his collection has provided a full-saga lifestyle for freedom-seeker and knowledge all over the world. This book first presents Ibrahim’s biog-raphy (life story) since birth in a religious family. His parents are introduced by his brother’s quotation in other parts. Ibrahim was handsome, humorous, and a wrestler. He was one of the first participators in the battlefields with his friends at the beginning of the Iraq’s Imposed War. Penetration into the enemy territory and identifying enemy’s sensitive areas were one of Ibrahim’s duties. Reading this book can provide the liberating way of life in a world full of harshness and inhumanity to the youth. Many addressees of this book have confirmed that reading this book has made a significant evolution in their lives. In addition, this book has been appraised by authors and thinkers in a way that the Leader of Islamic Re-public of Iran (who is a scholar) says: “The introduced attractive character of the book “Hello to Ibrahim” is so charismatic that attracts people to itself like a magnet. It shocks the human. Search and find such people. These are the significant characters who are nei-ther commander-in-chief nor battalion commander, but have stories and adventures…” This book is one of the bestselling ones in Iran publication history whose first edition was republished 128 times and more than a million copies have been sold. In addition, it is one of the most popular books in the Iranian book market.

Author About:


Publisher Name:self-publisher






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