Three Portrayals of a Man

Written by: Mohammadreza Bayrami
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2016
208 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Three Portrayals of a Man is a novel by the contemporary author, Mohammad Reza Bayrami, written in three parts according to the biography of martyr Hussein Alam al-Hoda, a commander of the Khuzestan Revolutionary Guards Corps. To reflect the thoughts and the lifestyle of martyr Hussein Alam al-Hoda, the author has tried to use new methods and avoid the stereotypical and cliché methods of writing biographies of prominent historical figures. Bayrami has viewed the life of martyr Hussein Alam al-Hoda from three angles. The first viewpoint is from the perspective of Mabar. A torturer who has often punished Alam al-Hoda under the most severe torture. He talks mostly about Hussein’s childhood when Hussein was just an adolescent and always made trouble for the Shah’s intelligence apparatus. Mabar personally punished Hussein under the most severe torture. But Hussein still denied him accessing the information. Eventually, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Hussein arrests Ma-bar with the help of the people and the Committee. On his deathbed, Mabar narrates the painful memories of the past years, memories that reveal a part of Hussein Alam al-Hoda’s face. Mabar memoirs mostly reflect Hussein’s teenage years, a period that ends with the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The author changes his perspective to continue the narrative of the life of martyr Hussein Alam al-Hoda and this time addresses one of Hussein’s com-panions and comrades. A person named Ali, who is a friend of Hussein, and accompanies him from the very first days of the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the moment of Hussein’s martyrdom. The third narrative is from the perspective of a character by the name Hassan, the smuggler in the region, who has also been mentioned in the second narrative. Hassan recounts his memories that during the days of the war he was smuggling foodstuffs and so on and with the help of his accomplices, trafficked contraband items across the border and Hassan distrib-uted them in the area of his residence. Thanks to his profession, Hassan is familiar with every byway in the area. He also knows the Iraqi forces’ locations like the back of his hand. Hussein Alam Al-Hoda, due to the characteristics of Hassan, goes to meet him at night and asks for help. The same night, as a sign of goodwill, he gives a gun to Hassan so that he would report to the Hoveizeh Revolutionary Guard Corps headquarters the next day. On the same night, Hassan is deprived of his nightly sleep and suffers from internal conflict. He ultimately overcomes his carnal desires and thinks the call for help by Hussein must be a kind of divine test in the aftermath of his crimes.

Author About:

Mohammadreza Bayrami (1957-Ardabil) MohammadReza Bayrami is one of the most successful Iranian authors of memoirs, fiction and war novels for young adults and adults. He has written more or less 50 novels, story collections and novelettes for children, teenagers and adults. He has always been a mainstream Iranian figure and has won tens of national awards - in-cluding IRI Year Book- and two international awards, namely Most Valuable Bear and Blue Glass wearied snake from Switzerland. He has been a nominee for Swedish Astrid Lindgren Award for two rounds. The Children & Teenagers Authors’ Association in Iran has selected him as one of five top authors of the country. So. Feelings, images and imagination in the works of Bayrami enjoy special tenderness and honest that can me of his books have been translated into German, English and Arabic and published in some countriesbe visualized in the mind of the reader. His works involve beautiful fantasies that often consisting the union of art and great image. If this images and rich imagination are formed in the significant structure, then they take special beauty. His works have received several prestigious literary awards to date.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
