Lost Secret of Khaavar

Written by: Abdolmajid Najafi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Soore-ye Mehr Publications
Category: Literature
Year: 2004
112 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Lost Secret of Khaavar that showcases the writer’s style of story writing and how he uses his imagination as a tool to describe the modern life. Aside from writing an interesting story, he tries to teach the principles of story writing to young adults. The protagonist of this novel is a young boy named Majid who with the encouragement of his teacher, decides to write a story about Khaale Khaavar (Aunt Khaavar) and her son Hedayat who went to military service years ago and never came back.To write the story, Majid uses his imagination and mixes the creations of his mind with actual events to tell the story of Khaale khaavar and her son Hedayat.Literary critics in Iran believe that Lost Se-cret of Khaavar is a novel that beside having a simple style of writing, is also full of sentiment. The writer’s at-tention to details of the locations and also the strong characters of the story, compels the reader to want to finish the story as soon as possible and with excitement. Furthermore, using elements of fiction like traveling back in time and having legendary beings like paper giants and the mixture with bitter happenings of Khaavar’s life made an interesting dichotomy between a dark and a beautiful world for Majid to create, and he finally decides to create a beautiful world for Khaale Khaavar. Lost Secret of Khaavar was an effort to create a modern fictional story in today’s young adult literature. Alt-hough it must be noted that this story is not fully fictional and because it possesses supernatural elements, it can-not be called a classic Iranian story.

Author About:

Abdolmajid Najafi (1959-Tabriz) attained a degree in Persian language and literature on that account, he has been teaching fiction writing for years and has also been working as a consultant and a teacher in the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults. Najafi is among the prolific writers who have also been very close to the journalistic circles and his years of experience working with publications such as Keyhan Children and Soroush gave him a vast and deep insight about those whom he writes for.Najafi’s books have been praised several times by the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults and the Book council.

Publisher Name:Soore-ye Mehr Publications






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