Book About:
The story is about a boy, Alborz, who grew up as the janitor’s son in the house of one of the commanders of the imperial army and was the playmate of his daughter, Nazli. At the beginning of the novel, Alborz did something unusual for Nazli that is a bit contrary to his habit, but it motivates the reader to try to figure out Alborz’s action. Book of “Romance, the Van Gogh’s Style” is written in four chapters. The author artfully plots three different socio-cultural environments in three different times. In a very varied space, Tehran is in the threshold of the Islamic Revolution and it describes the intellectual atmosphere of the intellectuals of that era, the interactions of the army at the time of the Shah, and very different dominant atmosphere on the surrounding village of Quchan city and ends an attractive story.
Author About:
Mohammadreza Sharafi Khaboushan (1978-Tehran) contemporary litera-ture who has become relatively well-known among Iranian audiences by fiction books that new in terms of the they use. He is well-versed in poetry in addition to storytelling and has so far published two collections of poems. Beyond the two prestigious Jalal Ale Ahmad and National Book of the Year awards, Sharafi has managed to nab the Golden Pen Literary Award, the Shahid Habib Ghanipour Award and the Holy De-fense Book of Year Award in Iran.
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian