Book About:
The book "the Sleeping Panther," attempts to drag a story from the abundance of pages of history, to remove the unknown dust from its face, and to put it before the eyes of young readers, to tell them about the life and biography of Mirza Reza Kermani, Nasser-al-Din Shah's assassin, who was 40 years old. Hadi Ha-kimian's latest novel, with a metaphorical storyline, portrays the depth of a nation's desperation and misery at the time of Nasseri, but hopelessly yet it shows hope and a way out.
Author About:
Hadi Hakimiyan (1978-Yazd), Iranian novelist, has started his literary career in the previous decade by writ-ing the novels could grab the interest of his readers and literary critics. His works gained the attention in the liter-ary prizes and awards as well. Hakimiyan main subject interest is social issues.
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian