Book About:
The "Houses in Contrast" is a story of two families, each representing two different family classes with a different lifestyle in the community. Sa’eed, as a single child was born and educated in a prosperous fami-ly, whereas Sahar, his wife, was born and brought up in a family whose members have warm, sincere and close attachments to one another. The differences between the lifestyle of the two families, concerns, anxieties, pleas-ures, sadness, and discomfort are sometimes implied through the narrations presented by the narrator and some-times is directly revealed through Saeed's words of comparison, who witnesses the differences between the two families. From this endeavor, satirical and very humorous situations are created. “Houses in Contrast” is the story of "hope" and "position." Because throughout the entire story, the main character's quest to reach a happy-ending is obvious. Considering the author's narrative style and the details that he presents, illustrations and the tangible subject matter of the story, the novel can be converted into scriptwriting to make a television serial or even a cine-matic movie. Thus it will attract the attention of many viewers.
Author About:
MohammadAli Jafari
Mohammad Ali Jafari has already written books on the biography of the martyrs and elders. But "Noble Occupa-tion" can be considered as his short story book. A book on the lifestyle that charactrized the author as a hand-some, intelligent, and capable.
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian