Lend me your Skull Brother

Written by: Mortaza Karbalaeelou
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
288 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Lend me your Skull Brother is the story of a group of Iranian scuba divers who are responsible for identifying the operation, have lost their commander recently (during the operations), and because they are unaware of what lies ahead by the upcoming events and the exact timing of the operations that are in progress, they find difficulty with their new commander. By commingling the realities of war with artistic creativity, the book "Lend me your Skull, Brother!" while being loyal to the history of the war, has been able to maintain its literary and artistic value as a personality-driven novel. The most distinguished and dramatic feature of this novel is the presentation of a profound and non-stereotyped narrative of the war and its people as well as the mood, the intricate and complex nature of the soul and the mood of the people involved in the war. This charming and fasci-nating novel is narrated by the scuba divers, diving in the midst of the troubled river of Arvand Rood, diving through the immortal heavenly kingdom, and pursuing pearls of knowledge in it! But at the expense of their lives

Author About:

Mortaza Karbalaeelou (1977-Tabriz) describes as one the freshest, most original voices in contemporary fic-tion among Iranian acclaimed novelists. His first short-story collection," I am Single, Lady" released in 2003, honored in Iran National Award for the Book of the Year. He is the author of 16 books in the novel and short sto-ries published by great publishers in Iran and won different literary prizes. He tries to establish his own style, considered as phenomena in Fiction sphere by critics.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
