The Russian Songs

Written by: Ahmad Modghagh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2017
240 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Ya’ghoub is from a noble family who came to Kabul because of his conflict with his father. Once in Kabul, he fell in love with Mobarakeh, a female Afghan combatant fighting against the ruling Communist Party in Afghanistan. Although the girl is not attracted to him Ya’ghoub refrains from giving up and resorts to force and is very persistent. Thus the girl is uncomfortable and fed up with his insistence. This love raises Yaghoub’s humane emotions and during a coup is softer and less cruel as he is less after imprisoning, flogging, and killing people. He steals his father's money, to join the party. Although he has neither any sympathy nor any interest in them he becomes a follower of the Mujahidin. But his way is not aligned with the objectives of their cause and struggle. Meanwhile, he fights with Na’eim, Mobarakeh’s husband who is his rival in love. Introduction: The story of “the Russian Songs” takes place in Afghanistan and during the anti-Soviet struggle of different groups of people. Meanwhile, an Afghan young university student who is wealthy while trying to stay far away from both his family and war seeks his own courses and interest such as art. However, the turn of the events forces him to find his way to war, and this is caused by his falling in love with a girl. “Love” and “treason” are two significant components that the reader faces. Furthermore, doubt and vagrancy are the key features of the leading character of the story. “Ya’ghoub” is from a noble family who came to Kabul for education but he got acquainted with a leftist fighting group and plays a role in their empowerment, joins them but in the middle of the way…… The reader finds him/herself in a new world of language and language combination in encountering the text of “the Russian Songs”. This writer’s innovative style can motivate the reader to precede reading line by line and turn the pages with endless eagerness.

Author About:

Ahmad Modghagh (1985-Qom) Ahmad Modaghagh is one of the most talented Afghan writers living in Iran. He graduated in Islamic jurisprudence. He has penned only a few novels, but they have grabbed the attention of the audiences and literary critics in Iran.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
