Atra and the Cursed Necklace in Jinn's Land (Novel)

Written by: Fakhroldin Moosavi Hashemi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Literature
Year: 2020
285 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The novel Atra and the Cursed Necklace in the Land of the Jinn is based on the author’s imagination and living environment in a historical city and relates to several historical periods and the capital of an-cient Iran, and is not about any supernatural things or other creatures. The creatures mentioned by the creator of the universe in heavenly books such as the Quran and the Torah as the jinn, who are invisible in the human eyes by the will of God, are different characters in this story. Creatures that, according to the scriptures, were created from fire and live more than three thou-sand years in contrast to the short lifespan of man who is created from dust; and finally, moments after death, they go up as smoke into the sky and disappear. In the Quran, a complete surah [chapter] is dedicated to the jinn, in which God says, “We created hu-man beings and the jinn for servitude and on the Day of Resurrection, we will cast the oppressors among them, into the Hell together.” The Torah, the heavenly book of the Jews, introduces Solomon as the prophet who had the most con-tact with the jinn and ruled over the jinn, animals, and wind. During his reign, a group of these crea-tures was appointed by God to serve him; in a way that ordinary people could easily see them, and even one of them was chosen as Solomon’s vizier to be in charge of the jinn in his court. It is said that the precious pearls used in Solomon’s Palace have been obtained by the jinn from the depths of the seas or other celestial planets. Very few humans have met these unknown and amazing creatures, and there are images of these ethereal creatures in ancient paintings and inscriptions. Despite the references by God in the scrip-tures, as well as the testimony of some human beings in various eras who could see them with their eyes, the details of their lives are not mentioned anywhere and they may live more advanced than hu-mans on other celestial planets. For this reason, they have remained unknown to us humans and may-be they are the same beings that we humans call extraterrestrials. However, God is more knowledgea-ble and knows better.

Author About:

Fakhroldin Moosavi Hashem (1977-Izeh/Iran) Seyyed Fakhr al-din Hashemi was born in September 1977 in the historical city of Izeh in Khuzestan province in a middle-class and art-loving family. The novel by this author is based on his imagination and living environment - which is a historical city – and relates to several historical periods and the capital of ancient Iran. The novel Atra and the Cursed Necklace in the Land of the Jinn is the author’s first feature novel, and the author’s imagination has nothing to do with supernatural agents or other beings.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
