Book About:
Children enjoy listening to stories in general, particularly about the patterns of personality and behavior as di-vine prophets are discussed. Such stories are especially useful for children who grow up in religious families who are believers. Obviously, the awareness of individuals about the lives of these prominent figures is im-portant from the advent of childhood, so that they will unconsciously choose the prophets as their role models and their behaviors will inherently become their nature. Thus the life story of the prophets will have a positive impact on the children’s future. Furthermore, children find the story of divine prophets attractive due to the im-portant special events in them. Although many books have already been written about the divine prophets, in writing this 12-volume collection the writer has invented (created) additional characters (which are not real) to the story to make it more interesting. Thus the book is more effective in achieving it objective.
In the “Story of the Prophets”, while addressing the children the series are about the life story and the biog-raphies (stories) of the 12 great prophets which are narrated in the form of a storytelling narrations. The series include the stories of Adam (pbuh), Prophet Noah (PBUH), Prophet Saleh (PBUH), Prophet Edrees (Adries) (AS), Prophet Solomon (AS), Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) (SA), Prophet Younis (AS), Prophet ???, Prophet Joseph (AS), Prophet Moses (AS), Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Author About:
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian