The Bedtime Guests

Written by: Farzaneh Rahmani
Illustrated by: Mojgan Sa’eedian
Publisher: POL Literary & Translation Agency
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Just when her mom turns off the bedroom light, they appear out of nowhere. She blinks and stares at the three weird creatures, hoping to drive them away. Yet the purple wolf, the white snake and the green ball don’t budge and they stay where they are. When she screams and calls her mom, her mom turns on the light. Once she tells her mom what she just saw, her mom comforts her by saying that it seems that they are the bedtime guests, because she used to see them in her own bedroom when she was a little girl, too! Then again, these guests are different for every individual child and that’s part of the fun.

Author About:

Farzaneh Rahmani She was born in 1974 and earned her MA for surveying the elements of Iranian miniature in the illustrations of children books in Iran. She is very fond of children and therefore writes for them, constantly. She also teaches poetry and story to children aged 7-17 in the Institute for the Intellectual De-velopment of Children and Young Adults.

Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency

Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran



ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam

Languages we correspond in: Persian
