Book About:
Amir Ali, a three-year-old toddler, loves painting so much. He paints every day. The paintings of the sun, tree, house, and flower . . . On that day, he painted his mom next to himself. Then he was going to paint dad. But there was no image of dad in his mind. Dad had been martyred before he had a chance to leave an impression in the mind of Amir Ali. But very soon, after his mother’s explanation about dad and the martyr, he managed to paint a nice image of his martyred dad. Amir Ali painted two suns, one in the sky and one on the Earth. The im-age of the sun on the Earth was the image of his martyred father. The present book, with beautiful and large il-lustrations and short paragraphs, has succeeded in depicting the subjects of the martyr and martyrdom for small kids.
Author About:
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian