Book About:
This book is about the life of animals that, as cities expanded, humans approached their nests and endangered their lives. It tells the story of two fox’s life that fights with large cars and house building of humans, and eventually go back farther, and make their nests beside frogs and rabbits.
Author About:
Zahra Fardshad was Born in September 1981 in Shiraz. She started her art currier in 1997 and became an anchor in Radio and Television. Then starter writing scripts and animation scenarios. Then after participating in Ahmad Akbarpour’s story writing workshops, fell in love with this field and started her cur-rier as a children’s author.
Publisher Name:POL Literary & Translation Agency
Address:Unit 3, no.108, Nazari str, Inghelab ave, Tehran, Iran
ManagingDirector:Majid Jafari Aghdam
Languages we correspond in: Persian