Book About:
ZIO is an exciting anticipatory contemporary Persian novel that was praised by the critics and readers. The Story begins with Z.I.O, an unknown epidemic virus in the year 2041. Ali Parsa, an Iranian microbiologist get the mission to find the treatment in the Islamic Republic of Palestine. ZIO is a novel with the smell of Iranian-Islamic culture and hopes; an endeavor to support the family, nationality, freedom, justice and national independence in the context of future. ZIO has been reprinted 14 times, latest one in 2019
Author About:
Mostafa Rezayee, 1990-
Mostafa Rezayee is one of the young novelists in the contemporary Persian literature. ZIO is his first creative attempt that was welcomed by both readers and critics. Rezayee has also won the prize of 7th YOUSOF AWARD for Breath Hunter, a short story about Iran- Iraq war.
Publisher Name:Ketabestan Marefat
Address:No: 425, Qom Publishers Complex, Moallem St., Qom, Iran
ManagingDirector:Mohammad Hadi Jokar
Languages we correspond in: English