The Prophet of Mercy (A Collection of Stories)

Written by: A Group of Writers
Illustrated by: Samaeh Sharifi
Publisher: Daftar-e Nashr-e Farhang-e Islami
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2018
64 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book is a collection of three short stories: “The Prophet of Mercy,” “The Only Word,” and “A Pail of Camel Milk.” The first one tells the story of a blind man who the Prophet helps him find the way to the mosque. The second story is related to finding a nanny for the prophet when he was an infant because his mother had no milk in het breasts to feed him. The last story is also related to his nanny and how his presence in her life caused blessings for her.

Author About:

A Group of Writers have written the book: Donia Ahmad Babouri, Masoumeh Alizadeh, Sepideh Sheikhlou.

Publisher Name:Daftar-e Nashr-e Farhang-e Islami

Address:No. 1, Besharat Alley, Sohanak Rd., Lashgarak Rd., Mini City Xrd., Aghdassieh, Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 33920307

Fax:+98 21 22445945


Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
