The Rhinos Fall in Love too!

Written by: Erfan Nazar Ahari
Illustrated by: Amir Maftoon
Publisher: Ketab Park
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2018
36 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

A lonely rhinoceros knows nothing about friendship and passion. He does not believe that he has a tender hard beneath his thick skin. A little oxpecker becomes friends with the rhino and while helping him get rid of disturbing insects, gradually teaches him to love.

Author About:

Erfan Nazar Ahari, writer and poet, was born in Tehran in August 1974. She has a PhD in Persian language and literature and has done some research in this field as well. Nazar Ahari, now a PhD student of philosophy, not only writes but also teaches at universities and other academic centers. One can see the trace of Nazar Ahari’s field of studies in her works, which have a mystical essence and thrive on traditional Persian literature. Both in her poetry and in her stories, she tries to take young adult readers into her inner world and let them explore it. The concepts seen in her works are global ones dealing with the lost spirituality of modern individuals. She is one of the authors of the book entitled The Story of Peace that is published in South Korea. Her works are translated into other languages as well.

Publisher Name:Ketab Park

Address:Southern Side of Heravi Park, Heravi Sq., Tehran, Iran ZIP Code: 1667933389

Phone:+98 21 26911109


Fax:+98 21 26911109


Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
