The Ogre Conserve

Written by: Mehdi Rajabi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Ofoq
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2014
184 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Mehdi Rajabi has been a well-known author for a decade now. He always says his main passion is to write novels for younger adults. He has won a number of literary prizes so far, such as: Yalda Literary Prize, Isfahan Literary Prize and winner of Best Book for Children and Young Adults. The Ogre Conserve has a twist in it: a good boy who wants to be bad. Tooka is a clever boy, with whole lot of problems at home and at school. His father passed away and his mother is so depressed she does not care about Tooka. In School, there are always some bully boys who want to hurt him. Hi is alone, has no friends, and gets bitten all the time. Someday, he buys a book from an old lady: the biography of a criminal. Some parts of this memoir is dexterously woven into the context of the book. Tooka decides to be a criminal because his current life is very disappointing to him. The old lady sold an Ogre Conserve to Tooka as well. The Ogre is big, bitter, speaks nonsense, like the colour yellow and doesn’t obey Tooka.

Author About:

Mehdi Rajabi was born in 1970, Khomein. He has been writing for children and young adults for about a decade. His books have been nominated and chosen in some national and international book’s festivals.

Publisher Name:Ofoq

Address:No.181, Nazari st, 12 Farvardin st, Enghelab sqr, Tehran, Iran





Languages we correspond in: English, Persian, German
