The Black and White Bear, the White and Black Bear (From the series “Tales of Friendship”)

Written by: Susan Taghdis
Illustrated by: Atefeh Malekijou, Hoda Haddadi
Publisher: Mehrabe Ghalam
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2018
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Two bears live on the opposite sides of a river. One side is full of red roses while the other side is covered by yellow flowers. Both bears love honey but there is always a conflict between them about unimportant things. After each conflict, they think hard and ask themselves if the life will be better with peace and friendship or not.

Author About:

Susan Taghdis was born in 1959 in Shiraz. She began her career as a writer by publishing her first story in Keyhan Bacheha Magazine. Susan Taghdis has been a founder of the Iranian Association of Writers for Children and Youth and has also been a board member. Taghdis has tried her hand in various fields including reporting, journalism, script writing, etc. She has also composed poetry for children. However, the activity that Taghdis is known for is writing stories for preschoolers and children. Writing stories for preschoolers may be one of the least visited areas of Iranian children’s and young adult literature. Her stories for this age group develop with extreme brevity and sentences are short and simple, without any redundant description. Traces of humor is present both in Taghdis’s language and in the content of her works. Some of her works are translated to other languages.

Publisher Name:Mehrabe Ghalam

Address:No. 104, Shohadaye Zhandarmeri st, 12 Farvardin st, Enghelab st, Tehran, Iran




Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
