A Seesaw and a Gearstick will make a Bird

Written by: Assadollah Shabani
Illustrated by: Nasim Bahari
Publisher: Simaye Farhang
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2015
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The kids learn about different vehicles through reading a collection of nursery rhymes with nice illustrations that accompany them.

Author About:

Asadollah Shabani, poet and writer, was born in July 1958 in Hamedan. He has a bachelor’s degree in Persian language and literature. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, he started working for the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon), one of the most important Iranian organizations for children’s and young adult literature. This started him on the path of writing for children. Training Kanoon’s teachers, working in the literary section of Kanoon magazines, being an expert in the Poetry Council and in charge of the Old Texts Council consist some of his activities in Kanoon in the past thirty years.

Publisher Name:Simaye Farhang

Address:No. 32/1, Aghabalazadeh Ave., South Kargar St., Tehran, Iran

Phone:+98 21 55428300

Fax:+98 21 55428300


Languages we correspond in: English, Persian
