Laughing Tatar

Written by: gholam hossein saeedi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
336 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

A novel by Gholamhossein Saedi, a tale about a doctor who goes away to live in a faraway village. The relationship between this doctor with modern tendencies and the primitive village makes the body of the novel. But as other works of Saedi, there is an ever-present terror in the world of the story, there is unrest and hopelessness. The novel is of acquired taste, not easily described by present theories and therefore lesser known compared to other works of Saedi, but if one wants to have a full view of Saedi as a writer, Laughing Tatar is an essential read

Author About:

A novel by Gholamhossein Saedi, a tale about a doctor who goes away to live in a faraway village. The relationship between this doctor with modern tendencies and the primitive village makes the body of the novel. But as other works of Saedi, there is an ever-present terror in the world of the story, there is unrest and hopelessness. The novel is of acquired taste, not easily described by present theories and therefore lesser known compared to other works of Saedi, but if one wants to have a full view of Saedi as a writer, Laughing Tatar is an essential read

Publisher Name:Negah

Address: No63,fakhrerazi st,Enghelab Ave



ManagingDirector:alirereza raees danaee

Languages we correspond in: English
