Her eyes

Written by: bozrg alavi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Literature
Year: 2019
269 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The classic best-selling romance in Iran, a tale of politics and love, the story of mysterious eyes in a painting and one curious school teacher who is decided to find the owner of those eyes. The main theme of the novel is a choice between love and freedom fighting. Her eyes is a vivid representation of the dictatorship of Reza Shah and is still grasping young readers in vast numbers. Her eyes is a must read of Iranian modern fiction.

Author About:

The classic best-selling romance in Iran, a tale of politics and love, the story of mysterious eyes in a painting and one curious school teacher who is decided to find the owner of those eyes. The main theme of the novel is a choice between love and freedom fighting. Her eyes is a vivid representation of the dictatorship of Reza Shah and is still grasping young readers in vast numbers. Her eyes is a must read of Iranian modern fiction.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address: No63,fakhrerazi st,Enghelab Ave



ManagingDirector:alirereza raees danaee

Languages we correspond in: English
