Tale of the castle

Written by: moradi nia
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Negah
Category: Religion
Year: 2018
424 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Now closed, the castle prison has been the major prison of Tehran in its time, even after the Islamic revolution. This book is a history of this prison. How it was built, why and when it became a prison and so on and so forth. One should consider that many poets, writers, political activists and figures have been in and out of castle prison and therefore this prison is a center point of many narratives of modern Iran history. To understand these narratives, knowing this prison is essential.

Author About:

Now closed, the castle prison has been the major prison of Tehran in its time, even after the Islamic revolution. This book is a history of this prison. How it was built, why and when it became a prison and so on and so forth. One should consider that many poets, writers, political activists and figures have been in and out of castle prison and therefore this prison is a center point of many narratives of modern Iran history. To understand these narratives, knowing this prison is essential.

Publisher Name:Negah

Address: No63,fakhrerazi st,Enghelab Ave



ManagingDirector:alirereza raees danaee

Languages we correspond in: English
