Sons of the Sun

Written by: Jamaluddin Akrami
Illustrated by: Majid Saberi
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2018
40 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

Sons of Sunshine is about a teenage boy named Timor, who lives with his grandfather in a wooden hut in Chabahar (a port in southern Balochistan). Timur is attached to his ass by the name of Remak. Butter donkey that carries Timur's cart and provides for him and his grandfather. In the wake of his grandfather's illness and illness, Timor will inevitably sell Ramek to his friend Salim, provided that Salim allows Timur to participate in the fishery contest with Ramek and his cart and share his prize. On race day, Timur manages to get close to the finish line, but with the overthrow of Gregory, Timor gives up on winning and falls wounded with Greg. The next day, when Timor wakes up, he encounters fishermen who have given him a reward in return for his sacrifice. Salim is also willing to share her use of Remak and her rabbit. Dangerous and realistic images of the book, "Boys of the Sun," introduce the reader and teenager to the native features of Chabahar.

Author About:

Jamaluddin Akrami (born 1), a French mapping and language scientist, has published his first book in 7 years. His works include "Sons of the Sun", "Anahit the Queen of Shadows", "The Tailed Fox", "The Lost Wishes of the Smoked Man", "Mrs. Smoked Hat", "The Stranger and the Sea".

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


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Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
