How Do Children Know the

Written by: Mohammad Mohajerani
Illustrated by: niloofar boroumand
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2017
12 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

It is difficult for children to learn the concept of monotheism and the wisdom of God and the knowledge of God and His attributes. Because we just have to explain the hard and heavy concepts to the kids. But if we combine simple language with simple reasoning, we can direct the hearts and minds of the children towards thinking about the simple things around them, so that they have both an active mind and the issue of monotheism in an active and correct way. The "Theology of Minors" series takes our children into the world of God's creatures to make it easier for them to understand the power and creation of God by connecting the most objective things. In this book we seek the power of God in "Night and Day."

Author About:

Seyyed Mohammad Mohajerani was born in the city of Arak immigrants. He is a graduate of the Qom Theological Seminary and one of the child's religious poets. About the beginning of the poem, he says, "In my sixty-three years, my first poems about how hidden the ghost of poetry and quasi-poetry were. My first baby poem was born in 1960. A poem for children who are waiting for the Iraqi missile at any moment. My first children's book is a collection called "Our Dear Prophet" which depicts the path of the Prophet of God in the language of poetry and, as Imam Sajjad (pbuh), in one of his prayers (Second Prayer), the Prophet (pbuh) blessed Al-Burke ), It became the conquest of Bobby to compose and compose other works and collections each dealing with religious concepts. "

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


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