Book About:
"Alex Howard is the son of the Canadian ambassador to Tehran. Siavash, a kid in the Javadiyah neighborhood, who, ironically, speaks good English to Alex Farsi. Alex hears the story of a soccer match in Jawadiyah from Siavash and introduces a team of Canadian kids to the match, but that doesn't end there. Teams from other countries are also coming in; Spain, Italy, Japan, China, Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, and Arabs from Marawi alley and Afghan working kids are also introduced and gradually set up a small World Cup in Jawadiyah. »
Author About:
Davood Amirian, contemporary author. He has published more than 5 book titles and has received numerous awards. He currently writes in several areas of reminiscence, child and adolescent literature, novels, humor, martial arts biography, and screenwriting.
Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran
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Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH