Book About:
The main subject, theory, and idea of the book is
the analysis of the fact that all Shia Imams, who
came after the Prophet, were of exactly same attitudes
and adopted exactly same courses of action.
They lived in line with a unified trend in viewpoint,
purpose, and performance in all religious, political,
social, and cultural matters. This was so that
should any of them act in the place of some other
at a different time, the former would exactly do the
same thing as the latter. In fact, their performance
throughout this entire course of history was like the
performance of a human, who, according to the author,
seems to have lived for 250 years. Each one’s
attitude would complement that of his predecessor
and be in line with a purposeful performance and
marked by continuity.
The work seeks to communicate a lofty concept
by examining the course and destination of the
struggle-mined lives of the Shia Imams, who came
after the Prophet. Therefore, it does not serve only
as a historical account, but as a transhistorical analysis,
bringing forth a holistic view of their lives and
performance against a historical background
Author About:
Born in 1939, his father and ancestors were religious scholars and cleric. Politico-spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Source of emulation for the Shia world Shiites Senior scholar instructor of Islamic teachingssciences. Theorist in various branches of Islamic sciences, specifically in religion, politics, and history of Islam, etc.
Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran
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Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH