Pahlevan-e Tar

Written by: Arshad Tahmasbi
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Honare musighi
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
128 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

“True artists like Lotfi does not need to be praised out of duty; nor when they are alive, neither afterwards. They are acclaimed by the public and, of course, if it is out of real affection, they need the esteem and admiration of the state. Lotfi was commemorated thousand times when he was alive. What can be more magnificent than this? Every sigh coming out of the heart of an unknown listener from Babol who was touched by a piece played by him was in his praise and the joys provoked in the hearts of each and every of millions of Iranians listening to the song “Sepideh (the Dawn)” indicated a selfless praise for and respect to their music master.” The present book is a collection of articles which has been written by Arshad Tahmasbi about Mohammadreza Lotfi, together with an old article titled as “In defense of Iranian music” which is the transcript of a lecture given in Sharif University, the content of which the author believes are in agreement with Lotfi’s ideas and perspectives about music.

Author About:

“True artists like Lotfi does not need to be praised out of duty; nor when they are alive, neither afterwards. They are acclaimed by the public and, of course, if it is out of real affection, they need the esteem and admiration of the state. Lotfi was commemorated thousand times when he was alive. What can be more magnificent than this? Every sigh coming out of the heart of an unknown listener from Babol who was touched by a piece played by him was in his praise and the joys provoked in the hearts of each and every of millions of Iranians listening to the song “Sepideh (the Dawn)” indicated a selfless praise for and respect to their music master.” The present book is a collection of articles which has been written by Arshad Tahmasbi about Mohammadreza Lotfi, together with an old article titled as “In defense of Iranian music” which is the transcript of a lecture given in Sharif University, the content of which the author believes are in agreement with Lotfi’s ideas and perspectives about music.

Publisher Name:Honare musighi

Address:1, No 5 Taghipour alleyshahrak Jandarmeri, Isar st, Soheil st, Meysam st,, shaghayegh



ManagingDirector:zarin naghsh

Languages we correspond in: English
