the nights are high here

Written by: bahman kamyar
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: koleh poshti
Category: Literature
Year: 2018
154 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This book is the story of the life of a young girl named terme who lost her entire family in the earthquake and is studying in Tehran. He is loved of sohrab is not interested in him and at the same time he is offered to marry yashar. In this book, we go through the main character in parallel and witness the formation of new love and the collapse of old love and finally after yerars of living with yashar over hard choice today choise are completely different. It is what he has always imagined and consider love as savior.

Author About:

This book is the story of the life of a young girl named terme who lost her entire family in the earthquake and is studying in Tehran. He is loved of sohrab is not interested in him and at the same time he is offered to marry yashar. In this book, we go through the main character in parallel and witness the formation of new love and the collapse of old love and finally after yerars of living with yashar over hard choice today choise are completely different. It is what he has always imagined and consider love as savior.

Publisher Name:koleh poshti

Address:201, no7 , mehdizadeh alley, south kargar st, enghelab sq, Tehran, iran




Languages we correspond in: persian
