Darius and Bardia

Written by: jamal akrami
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: peykeadabiat
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
24 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book tells the legend of how Darius, the great king of Achaemenid, acceded to the throne. Cambyses is an incompetent king, and he aggravate country's situation seeking to conquer new lands every day. He secretly kills his brother, Bardia, because of fear. But in his absence, a man also named Bardia who looks like his murdered brother, sits on the throne and calls himself king. Darius, a member of royal family, unites with some others and deposes the fake king. They plan to meet each other the next day after the sunrise, and choose the one whose horse neighs before the others' as the king. With the stableman's brilliance, Darius's horse neighs first and he becomes Iran's emperor.

Author About:

The book tells the legend of how Darius, the great king of Achaemenid, acceded to the throne. Cambyses is an incompetent king, and he aggravate country's situation seeking to conquer new lands every day. He secretly kills his brother, Bardia, because of fear. But in his absence, a man also named Bardia who looks like his murdered brother, sits on the throne and calls himself king. Darius, a member of royal family, unites with some others and deposes the fake king. They plan to meet each other the next day after the sunrise, and choose the one whose horse neighs before the others' as the king. With the stableman's brilliance, Darius's horse neighs first and he becomes Iran's emperor.

Publisher Name:peykeadabiat

Address:Nr294,12 farvardin Str, Enghelab squre, tehran



ManagingDirector:fatemeh jamali

Languages we correspond in: English
