Cyrus, the son of Mandana

Written by: jamal akrami
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: peykeadabiat
Category: Children / Young Adults
Year: 2019
54 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

The book tells the story of how " Cyrus the Great" acceded to the throne. Cyrus was a great king and leader who founded the Achaemenid empire. Young Cyrus, the son of the shepherd of the palace, plays with aristocratic children on the palace grounds. His courage drives one of the blue-bloods angry and they go to the King Zahhak (Azhi Dahhak) to judge. Cyrus's behavior is so clever and mature that the king is astonished and thoughtful. Maybe he is the one who … The story takes the reader to the past beautifully and he/she finds out how Cyrus, who was sentenced to death before his birth on his grandfather's orders, Zahhak (Azhi Dahhak), goes to the palace and sits on the throne of the great Achaemenid empire.

Author About:

The book tells the story of how " Cyrus the Great" acceded to the throne. Cyrus was a great king and leader who founded the Achaemenid empire. Young Cyrus, the son of the shepherd of the palace, plays with aristocratic children on the palace grounds. His courage drives one of the blue-bloods angry and they go to the King Zahhak (Azhi Dahhak) to judge. Cyrus's behavior is so clever and mature that the king is astonished and thoughtful. Maybe he is the one who … The story takes the reader to the past beautifully and he/she finds out how Cyrus, who was sentenced to death before his birth on his grandfather's orders, Zahhak (Azhi Dahhak), goes to the palace and sits on the throne of the great Achaemenid empire.

Publisher Name:peykeadabiat

Address:Nr294,12 farvardin Str, Enghelab squre, tehran



ManagingDirector:fatemeh jamali

Languages we correspond in: English
