Book About:
• What is mean by “asking
questions of the West”?
• Who is responsible for asking
questions of the West?
• Why are we unaware of such an
important question (the question of the
No doubt you would like to find answers
to these questions and hundreds of
questions like these. To find answers to
these questions, you only need to refer
to this book, which is a book from the
collection of cultural studies and the series
of ‘ambushes, awakenings and resistance’.
What the author of the book has in
mind is that not asking questions of the
West has developed negligence in the
intellectual and cultural life of Muslims, so
that without knowing, they have adopted
intellectual and cultural hybridization
and fusion. Getting out of this passive
situation and taking the serious decision
of transition from it depends on answering
this major question.
Over the last four hundred years, sensuality
has completely replaced the praised and
glorified Allah and all sacred religious
and Eastern affairs, and leaving such a
situation only requires a great effort.
The way out of this situation requires a
revision of the foundations of knowledge
and truth and referring to the Imam of
right and great revolution. Otherwise, there
is no way to restore the dead humanity.
Only being attributed to the manifestation
of Allah can revive the man.
Author About:
Ismael Shafiee Sarvestani
Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran
Fax: -
Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH