Eternal Martyres

Written by: marzieh mohammadzadeh
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Religion
Year: 2012
567 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

This book examines the biography, character and martyrdom of the first Shahid in the way of Imam Hussein (PBUH) up to the last person who was martyred several years after the Ashura event due to his injuries in that battle. “Soleiman bin Razin” is the first martyr in the way of mam Hussein (PBUH); Mohammad Zadeh has narrated his life in the section on the martyrs before the Ashura event. He was the person who took the responsibility of conveying Imam’s letter to Basra but on the way he was betrayed, Obaidullah arrested and martyred him. n this book the author has addressed mam Hussein’s unknown companions, and then she has categorized them according to family, tribe, and lineage; by doing so she has tried to narrate their life from birth until death in an encyclopedic form. n this book he has pointed to the factors which caused the people to join Imam Hussein (PBUH) and accompany him until the moment of their martyrdom. Therefore, this book is a comprehensive analysis and multi-dimensional research on Ashura event and it has focused on mam Hussein’s (PBUH) anonymous companions; such an extensive and deep work had not been done before.

Author About:

marzieh mohammadzadeh

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


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Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
