The Environment Divinities

Written by: Sayed Mostafa Mohaqeq Damad
Illustrated by: -
Publisher: Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers
Category: Religion
Year: 2015
268 Pages,
All rights available

Book About:

In this book it has been tried to discuss the issue of the environment crisis from the view point of divinity, Fiqh, Philosophy and religions because the author believes that the answer to this question is in knowing the causes and factors for emergence of this crisis. Environmental concerns are universal matters. Perhaps some institutions in other continents have polluted the air we breathe. The hole in the ozone layer which is due to production of carbon and fluorine gases will influence all human beings. The book “The Environment Divinities”, a work with a divine-fiqh approach, has opened a new door to the area of environmental studies with an Islamic approach. The author has attended and given lectures in various conferences on environment and in this book he has tried to explicate his views in this regard. The author emphasized the fact that the man can provide a peaceful environment for himself by following the God’s commands. The man can live a clean life, only if he pays attention to the fact that the earth, too, like all other things in it or beyond it, belongs to the Almighty God.

Author About:

Sayed Mostafa Mohaqeq Damad

Publisher Name:Association of Islamic Revolution Publishers

Address:No.140, Shohadaye-e JAndarmeri St., Enghelab St., Tehran, Iran


Fax: -


Languages we correspond in: ENGLISH
