Book About:
It is well known that Islamic preaching, including Islamic values, ethics, law and doctrine, has a universal tendency for it aspires to see welfare prevail and Muslim principles spread throughout the entire world. It does so not for economic, material, racial, imperialist or nationalistic interests but in order to achieve salvation, happiness, welfare, justice, and prosperity for humanity as a whole, both in this life and the hereafter. Doctrine is based on recognition and confirmation of the absolute oneness of God, both in Divinity and Lordship, without any blemish of atheism or paganism. Thus, belief in God alone, belief in His angels, in His books revealed to His messengers, in the hereafter, and in the acts of God are the pillars of this religion. This book examines the relation between different objects in international law, such as international treaties, economic relations, and war and peace, as well as new aspects of human knowledge, such as biotechnology, environment, and human rights, together with the possibility of generalizing Islamic values to these fields with regard to international law.
Author About:
Dr. Aramesh Shahbazi holds PhD in International Law from Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran. Her Ph.D. Thesis has been published as a book entitled “Unity of International Legal Order”. She serves as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University
Publisher Name:Allameh Tabatabai University Press
ManagingDirector:Shoja Ahmadvand
Languages we correspond in: English